Madrid, april  8  2021

New corporate operation in sight in the Real Estate sector. But this transaction is different handling from the rest of the sector, as is the company that stars in it: SATEK asset management. SATEK is a real estate servicer that focuses its activity on the management of micro portfolios in depressed areas to which their value increases through a work of social integration, which makes it a leader and almost the only player in the market.

SATEK is a real estate servicer that focuses its activity on the management of micro portfolios in depressed areas to which their value increases through a work of social integration, which makes it a leader and almost the only player in the market.

SATEK markets the portfolios with the initial and immediate objective of renting the assets that comprise them, thus generating income that adds value to, in the medium term, placing them in property to a significant percentage of its tenants.

It carries out the community administration and management of assets, manages the processing of licenses, assumes the completion of incomplete or looted works, facilitates the identification of dispersed assets and guarantees the surveillance and protection of properties.

Thus, SATEK manages, in a comprehensive and close way, assets awarded in very depressed areas and in very vulnerable social environments, developing an important care and socio-labor integration work and providing solutions adapted to the environment and capacities of its tenants.

To do this, it offers an accompaniment program for tenants with specific needs in order to promote and enhance the tenant’s personal autonomy in daily activities during the lease. SATEK acts by detecting, evaluating, supporting and redirecting situations about a group of users with specific needs in terms of coexistence, skills, gender violence, mental health, immigration, exclusion, employment, etc., working in a network with other social agents such as NGOs, municipal services and the Social Welfare Services of the Autonomous Communities and Provincial Councils.

Currently, SATEK comprehensively manages almost 9,200 assets including rental homes throughout Spain, apartments on the coast of Alicante, Almería and Malaga, as well as more than 1,000 rotating parking spaces, standing out among its main competitors for be able to manage assets with high difficulty.

Starting next year, the company foresees a growth in business volume with an average portfolio increase of 3,500 assets per year. What’s more, according to current projections, the company’s value could double by 2025.

For this reason, SATEK has commissioned the investment banking boutique  Finenza, to search for a new partner that will allow it to achieve its objectives and projections.

“At SATEK we actively work to locate the best investments for our clients,” says Adrián Romero, Head of Asset Management at SATEK. “We are specialists in the treatment of public rental housing, both from the point of view of the proper management of the assets and the social reality in which they are found,” he adds.

About Finenza

Finenza is an independent investment banking boutique specializing in financial advice to mid-sized companies on M&A transactions, growth financing and partner search. Finenza has offices in Madrid, Miami, Lima and Santiago de Chile and a network of collaborators and associates that spans the main regions of the world.

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Belén López-Palop – Marketing & Comms. Manager
+34 91 402 0204

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